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updated 25.06.14 11:37
09.06.14 14:12   |    Стили.
Для ВойновПревосходного турнирного плаща ER
ТанкLeggings of Colossal R
ТанкAmulet of Colossal R
ТанкImproved Hammer of Domination VR
ТанкPerfected Bands of Colossal ER
КритLeggings of Grim R
КритBands of Grim R
КритImproved Gloves of Grim VR
УворотBands of Stab R (жен.)
УворотBelt of Stab R
УворотDagger of Domination R
УворотImproved Gloves of Stab VR
СиловикHelmet of Execute R
СиловикAxe of Domination R
СиловикLeggings of Execute R
СиловикBelt of Execute R
ЛукImproved Bow of Domination VR
ЛукImproved Bow of Domination VR
АрбалетPerfected Belt of Mortise ER
Маг ВодыIcy Belt of Intricate R
Маг ВоздухаAiry Hat of Intricate R
Маг ВоздухаAiry Robe of Intricate R
Маг ВоздухаAiry Staff of Domination R
Маг ВоздухаAiry Staff of Domination R
Маг ОгняFiery Pants of Intricate R
Маг ОгняFiery Pants of Intricate R
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Hat of Intricate R
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Boots of Intricate R (жен.)
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Boots of Intricate R (жен.)
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Hat of Intricate R
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Belt of Intricate R
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Belt of Intricate R
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Hat of Intricate R
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Hat of Intricate R
Маг ЗемлиEarthen Gloves of Intricate R
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